Sunday, October 24, 2010

Pamukkale Thermal Resort

The ride today was to the town of Pamukkale, where we are staying at a resort with a turkish bath and spring.  Esteban got sick yesterday and has been nauseaus all day, so he did not ride.  I have a TERRIBLE head cold and can barely breath, so did not ride either.  Man, what a bummer! Hopefully, E will get better.  If not, I will take him to a doctor tomorrow.  We will be here for 2 nights then ride to Ephesus.  Keep your fingers crossed and pray for better health.  All that having been said, the trip has been really good so far.  We have learned so much history of Asia Minor and seen some wonderful sites and we still have some days of riding left.  The pictures are of the group that is riding, the leader of the pack going up a 450M (1476 ft) hill, a 2,000 yr old Roman bridge still used today next to a modern bridge, and the calcite cliffs for which this areas is famous.  Between Sardis and here we stopped at where the church in Laodicea would have been located, which is actually closer to where the Lydian ruins were at.

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