Friday, October 29, 2010

A new hope

The Agean sea, right outside our hotel window

From here on in, all's well that ends well!!! Thank God.
A quick nap at the second hospital while he recovers
view to Mediterranean outside E's second hospital

I haven't posted anything in a while because of all of the health issues.  As you all may know, Esteban's illness turned out to be much more than a stomach virus.  He was diagnosed here with type 1 diabetes and his sugar was really high, so we spent 3 days in 2 different Turkish hospital ICU's.  They treated us really well and got his sugar down to a manageable range.  Unfortunately, we've missed most of the riding and one of the most interesting cities, Ephesus.  They say the ruins are just fantastic and I've seen some of the pictures, so I believe it.  Here our some of our own pictures.  Jerry Coleman was the rider of whom I posted a picture going up the hill.  He fell and broke his left collar bone and had to have surgery on his left hand with some pins put in for broken fingers.  Jan is his wife.  We stayed at the first hospital together.  This is E when he got to the hospital.

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