Wednesday, October 20, 2010

One part of the journey is almost over

Here we are, our last night in Istanbul, in front of Hagia Sophia (it means Divine Wisdom, by the way) and at a GREAT little restaurant. Tried to put up a video, but no go. Anyway, this city is fantastic!.  The people are incredibly friendly, almost everyone we ran into spoke either English or Spanish.  Yes, I know they want our money, but still, I've been to other places where they want your money and aren't as friendly about it.  The history here is all over the place, just walk outside a hotel in the old city and you run into some ruin.  Esteban and I cant wait to come back with Nelly and Milkelis.  Gotta bring lots of money: a bit expensive, but oh well, you're on vacation.  What can you expect, we're tourists.

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