Monday, March 14, 2011

After all that huffing & puffing, it's finally over!

Whew, we made it!  Here we are after our ride, rested, well fed glad it's over but proud to have done it.  Left to right, me, Juana, Junior, Omar, Esteban, Jonathan and Mr. Olympia, Sergio, in front.  Leo is not in this picture since he was still out doing the century.  He came in about 30 minutes after, when we were heading home.

More of us ready to go!

Here are some more of us ready to go, too. Leo and his mom, Juana.  Leo ended up doing the Century ride.  That's 100 miles folks!  Youth has its privileges, that's for sure.

Ready to Go

Here is part of the group on the starting line set to go, full of energy and vigor.  Left to right, Leo Ledesma, Esteban Fajardo, Sergio Zavala and Junior Gonzalez.  62 miles and counting!

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Here we go again!

Well folks, here we go again!  I am doing a bike tour of Lakewood Ranch, Sarasota for the American Diabetes Association with a team of 7 people from our church. We're doing a metric century ride (62 miles=100 km approximately) and  I will keep you posted on our progress!